Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Macro ECo: A different way to look, SERIES Part I

Again the Time has Come To State that
Macro-Eco is a Game

Rules Continue to be  the Same
Situations no More the Same

A Raise in Rate of Interest
To Europe May be of Interest

To India not the Frame of Test
To Japan may be a Luck of Taste

A Change of Rate of Interest
Cheers to Market of Interest

Equity Preference Takes a Shift
Debt Becomes Value Different

Growth is More and Incomes Rise
At times Nice but no more Wise

Growth-rise is not Favorly Viewed
If Distribution Happens so-so Skewed
Jobless Phase Again Renewed

Present Low and Less Future Flow
Saving High But Moral Low

You don’t Spend, I don’t Invest
But, we don’t Expand, if we don’t Invest

You Invest Less, Now you Spend Less
The cycle of Less grow more or Less

Business Cycle Reverse Gear
Recession Fear one step Near

Ooh Inflation Profit Maker Make few Richer, others Poorer
Cost-push Harder, Demand-pull Softer

Inflation Maker, get Money Quicker,
Inflation is Diabetic Sure Silent Killer

Constant Salaried, You are Poorer
Living on Past Saving or from Selling Double Poor

Yen Falling, Japan Rejoicing
Overseas Profit not for Booking

Dollar is Growing , Petrol Falling???
OPEC Falling as Deficit Rising

Drilling Cost Lower, Company Rejoicing
Petrol Falling and Solar Confusing

Cause and Effect, Side is Changing
Shell Gas Conscious, Effect Nullifying

Sensex and Manufacturing Index Telling
One is Rising and One is Slowing

One gets Flowing and other Suffering
Money is half Circling, better-half Crying

Unemployed, Half Employed, to be Employed
We Have New Few Employed Stories
Half Job Search, Half Growth Stories

E-Tailers Retailers Fighting Same Phase
Service Growth Alone not Fulfilling the Case

By: Prashant

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Got Some Suggestion About Credit Ration...

Got Some Suggestion About Credit Ration
 How Subsidy Adding Price Confusion

 FII, FDI, Round Tripping Flowing for Reason
 Your Markets Grabbing are Pure Condition

 Your Banks Liquid, Solvent, Surplus Flowing
 Commercialization But External Borrowing

Cheaper Funding & Many Extra Condition
 Own-Banks Lack Skills For Project Valuation

Circular Flow Has Many Speed Breakers
Acad-Politico-Analysts and Policy Followers

Prime Sector Lending, Poors are Poorer
Banks Face Losses, Micro Finance Richer

Pro-Growth, Speed Growth Have One Voice
Few Industrialists in Limelight Always Rejoice

KingFisher Blown Out, Beer Get Stronger
Bankruptcy Company, Man Gets Richer

Net Worth, Mark to Market are New Rules
You are Same, Shame-Shame Chant by Fools

Food, Shelter, Vote and Work are Old Rights
All Getting Richer Will Be New Basic Rights

Make In India, Make For India
Source in India, Source For India

MSME Mutual Will Come in Offering
PM's India, Sure to Get This Backing

Bottom of the Pyramid is for Market
 Get Their Money and NREGA Target

Bottomless Bottom and NGO's Racket
Toast to Poor, Rich Always in Bracket

 Pichkaree Chinese, Valentine India
Eat MNCs Salt and god bless India

Vibrant India and Vie for India

Bharat is Lost ,Left only is India

By : Prashant

Inclusive Finance-- Jan Dhan Yojana!

To provide a platform for Inclusive Growth, we need to speed up the process of inclusive finance. Looking into costs and benefits of banks in covering the non-banked areas , it will be too ambitious to force PSU Banks to open brick and mortar branches in every gram panchayats. Branches with large no. of small account holders may not survive the competition.
There is no need for RBI or Government to force Scheduled Banks to open branches in non-feasible areas. Well the scheme may have takers if right instruments are available for the new users. This will take more time. Few branches which have been opened so far need to take a pilot study on the credit requirements and payment capacity of these people. For this project appraisal capacity of bank, professionals have to be enhanced.
The fear of non-payment and delay in payment will be there. The lack of local information system or regional market research feed-backs are major stumbling block. This unnecessarily categorizes local branch managers as major risk-takers when they make advances. The system of guarantor may not be enough for this system to take root. The database available through different surveys need to be analyzed for this purpose.

I advocate that the banking system must reach every doorstep. Well we can promote Credit Co-operatives and RRBs to come forward in addition to the scheduled banks. Only that audit, systematic monitoring system, information communication system needs to be developed so that deposits are safe. This can be supported by established banks. The awareness, skill development exercises and capital requirement may be allowed to be accommodated in their CSR components.
Ru Pay card, Kissan Card, insurance coverages and over-draft facilities may induce people to open accounts. But these are not fundamental enhancing measures for a strong bank foundations in these areas. It may seem little radical, but a positive discrimination of 25 basis points in CRR for those Banks who open rural more rural branches may help the cause. On an average this releases 17000 to 18000 crores. So depending on the particular banks deposits it may release 200 to 1000 crores or more. When this reserve money gets activated it may cross subsidies 16 to 85 crores for this effort.
In addition to this capital infusion norms by the Government may be slightly modified to accommodate for these new likely Non performing branches for the initial few years. Or more capital infusion with very soft rate of interest in favour of Banks who are showing interest to open branches in rural pockets. This may promote multi-bank single ATMs as an option to reduce costs. These measures are in addition to the agent based transaction, group lending , SHG approach which are currently in practice. 

Time for a strong awareness campaign for creating banking habits and learning for different financial instruments and capital market knowledge for the Bharat. Just think of the employment potential of such efforts in addition to general rise in welfare of the citizens of the target area. The current thoughts in reforms MNREGA in favour of productive assets may create added income capacity of rural people to make these things sustainable in 10 to 20 years time. Let us see how this Budget focus on right targeting the subsidies and Capital infusions in Banks.
By: Prashant

Thursday, 19 February 2015

क्यूँ ना एक बार फिर...

क्यूँ ना एक बार फिर ,
प्यार  मिले  मुड़ के ,
हम तो प्यासे हैं,
तर हो जाएंगे, एक बार फिर जुड़ के I

एक सुबह ऐसी हो फिर से ,
जो लगे थोड़ी अलग ,
खुशबु  बिखरे फूलो से ,
मन जाए सुलग,फिर से I

क्यूँ ना एक दिन आए फिर से,
जो किये रहे हमें दिन भर बेचैन,
हर पल बस हम देखें शाम की हीं राह ,
जब हो दीदार उसका तभी मिले हमें चैन I

क्यूँ ना एक शाम आए फिर से ,
जब हम साथ साथ चलें मिल के,
हो हाथों में हाथ उसका
लब रहें खामोश पर दिल बातें करे खुल के I

क्यों न एक रात आये फिर से,
जो सजाये तड़प की बारात फिर से,
पर रखे जो रात के जतन को अपने ही अंदर,
जैसे सीपी सोती हैं गहन समंदर  I

रचना: प्रशांत 

Monday, 16 February 2015

अगर शराब शराबी बन जाए...

अगर शराब शराबी बन जाए,
कितनी आफ़त को वो दावत दे आए,
होश संभाले तो संभाले कैसे ,
खुमारी खुद उसकी मियादी बन जाये I  

ना प्याले पे वो उतर सके,
ना मधुशाला की पंक्ति बने,
ना दीवानो का होशों की बारात बन सके,
ना होठ ना नज़र को चैन मिल सके,
अगर शराब खुद शराबी बन जाये I

रचना: प्रशांत 

डर के रिश्ते!

डर के रिश्ते!

जब रहे ना प्यार अपने करम के धरम से ,
कुछ ना मिले मुझे डर डर के जीने से,
क्यू प्यार चाहे, अपने अपनो से रहे,
जब तक़दीर हमारा  लिखा  बदल ना पाए,
प्यार और डर यू हीं , साथ साथ जागे,
रिशतों  को नाम देने से, डर और लगे,
रिश्ते  जो अब रंग देने से रहे ,
उसे मुँह मोड़ देना आप भी चाहे I

ना समझ प्यार, हर लगाव को तुम,
कहीं  तुम से ये डर, ना करे प्यार गुम,
रिश्ते उलझन ना हो, यह डर सोते हुए भी  जागे,
कही रिश्ता, रिश्ता हीं   रहे इसका डर और लगे I

रचना : प्रशांत

Friday, 13 February 2015

क्यूँ किसी को ऐतराज़ हो...

क्यूँ किसी को ऐतराज़ हो,
ग़र  तुझे भले ज़ख़्मो हीं से प्यार हो ,
तेरे ज़ख्मों पे तू फिदा हो,
अगर तेरे आँसू से सिंची ,
तेरे कहानी फिर से  जिंदा हो ,
तो क्यूँ किसी को ऐतराज़ हो ? 

कभी अलग मिलकर तू देख ,
कटी पतंग के डोर छू कर तू देख ,
टूटे शीशे को जोड़कर  तू देख, 
कभी किनारो से दूर डूब कर तू देख,
जो दिखे उसे महसूस कर तू देख I 

हज़ार चेहेरे तेरे और दिखे ,
ख्वाबो मे जो ना दिखे ,
नज़र मिलाए तुझे दिखे ,
क्या महबूब की चहेरे से 
नक़ाब उठ ना पाए ,
या कोई चेहरा 
तु आज देख ना पाए I 


रचना : प्रशांत 

Thursday, 12 February 2015

ऐसा क्यूँ है की...

ऐसा क्यूँ है की तुझे चाह कर भी 
तेरा ना हो सका,
तेरी ख्वाइशों की  बंदिश से आज़ाद, 
मेरा दिल हो ना सका I 

यह जिना भी कोई जीना है , 
जब खुद तू ही मुझसे दूर है,
इतनी दूर की ख्यालों में भी , 
आज किसी और का  दखल है I 

हाँ जब दूसरे  कर दिए,
तब फिर  तेरी याद आई,
शरण मे आए फिर भी, 
तमन्ना  बदल ना पाई I

रचना : प्रशांत 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

लंबी खामोशियाँ...

लंबी खामोशियाँ ,
कभी मुझसे ये मुझे जोड़ दे, 
और कभी मुझे 
मेरे दुनिया से अलग कर दे I 

ठिकाना याद ना हो,
पर खत यादो मे भरी हो ,
यह ज़रूरी तो नही ,
इसका भी हिसाब हो I 

रचना: प्रशांत 

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

जिंदगी तू क्यूँ नज़र आए...

जिंदगी तू क्यूँ नज़र आए, 
जब मेरे जाने की बारी हो, 
कुछ पल की मेहमान से, 
क्यूँ हिसाब लेने के ज़िद हो I 

जब शरीर बोझ लगे, और
आत्मा सोच से हो परे, 
कुछ्पल अगर ऐसे जिंदा हैं, 
क्यूँ हिसाब लेने के ज़िद हो I

रचना : प्रशांत